09 December, 2010

Problems with comments and tracking

Many apologies to anybody tht may have tried to leave a comment. I know I've been getting a fair bit of traffic over the last couple of weeks (I can check Bloggers Stats tab), but since trying to Disqus to field all my comments and Google Analytics to give me a bit more depth about reader analysis, I don't seem to be receiving anything on either website. Very frustrating.

Have contacted both to see if they can offer a soultion. In the mean time, if you wish to post me a comment that you really wanted to make then email me at iwoods2807@gmail.com.

P.S. don't forget to include the posting title in the subject. Ta


  1. iwoods28079/12/10 15:28

    Why isn't this working?

  2. iwoods28079/12/10 15:33

    Alright, I can post a comment here and it comes up on Disqus, so maybe I'm just not getting any comments :(
