Tools I have come across and think may have some application to my classroom

These are some online tools that I have been using for a while or have just started using. By the way, my identity on all of these is iwoods2807. Please feel free to look me up and share if you feel I have anything to offer.
  • used by the DET as a professional networking site. A bit like facebook/twitter for teachers and other professionals.
  • is a sort of scrapbook where I can clip articles, links to pages, text within pages, etc. Everything is searchable and sharable
  • A very neat little platform for launching to other websites. Strong visual appeal and quite easy to customize to your own needs.
  • video sharing
  • markbook and attendance records. Can generate reports for students. students can have their own passwords and look up their marks and assessments due.
  • presentation maker. Great looking non-linear presentations. Don't have to move from slide to slide. Very strong visually.
  • video sharing again
  • photo sharing
  • another scrapbook. lovely little video at start sold me on the idea. Not quite sure of the difference between it and diigo, except diigo seems easier to use with online material. Evernote can upload pictures, PDF's etc. Maybe a bit like googledocs?

What I would like to find somewhere:
  • Some tool for aggregating all the blogs feeds I receive so that I can collate information together easily. I feel there must be an easier way than cutting and pasting.